Title Pillars Athlete Types
How to Wash Your Brain — Sleep Soundly and Honor Your Fundamentals
Want to Improve: Measure!
Trust: Where Do We Start? Trust Eagle
Flipping the Switch — The Entirety of Mental Toughness Training!
Start Here! Q: Why Should You Develop a Championship Mindset? GratitudeHonestyHumilityPassionTrust
1. Summary
Want Motivation? Look Within!
Want to be Happy? Step into the Arena! Honesty
Show How Much You Care —Communicate (On and Off the Field)
Do you want to be happy? Have a bit more control of your emotions? Think Install/Delete Algorithms
Pillar: Trust “I Will Seek Wisdom — I Will Trust Myself Trust Eagle
3. Energy
2. Get Clear on Your Big Picture Identity
Introduction 5 Core Modules
Welcome to the Utah Lacrosse Mental Gym! Getting Started
AM Bookends — Win the Morning Win the Day!
PM Bookend — Your Day Starts the Night Before
Measure and Plan, Track, and Measure Your Daily Tasks— “What gets measured gets managed”—Peter Drucker
Live Each Day with a Sense of Urgency
Journal Every Day .. Or just Draw a Picture– Rehearse your Identity in 10 seconds!
Carpe Diem Journal Instructions
Carpe Diem Journaling/Framework to Live Every Day Deliberately
Love/Relationships/ Leadership (Overview- Link to Fundamental Page)
Alogorithms Tracker— Are you putting theory into practice?
Additional Algorithms
Emotion Algorithms
Work/ School Work (Overview- Link to Fundamental Page)
Your Sport
Energy/ (Overview- Link to Fundamental Page)
AM Algorithms
PM Algorithms
Installing a new Habit/Algorithm
Deleting a Bad Hablit/Algorithm
Current Algorithms Running Your Life
AntiFragile Confidence (Obstacles Make Me Stronger)
Anti Fragile Response-Ability — Using challenges as Fuel for Growth
Mind Tools Ready at Hand
0010. Antifragile vs. Resilient vs. Fragile [Resilience by Eric Greitens]
0004. Your Infinite Potential (and where to find it) [The Tools by Phil Stutts]
0019. How to Build Your Grit — The 4 Key Scientific Variables [Grit by Angela Duckworth]
0071. Wearing Scars as Medals [Paulo Coelho by Paul Coelho]
Getting Started
Section 0: Motivation – Before You Start The Course
Soul Oxygen & Operationalizing Virtue
What are Your Super Powers? Introducing Athlete Types